Saturday, December 29, 2012

Famous People and Myers Briggs Types


Robin Williams
Carl Rogers
Hunter S. Thompson
Charles Dickens


Neil Diamond 
J.R.R. Tolkien
Ann Lindbergh
Virginia Woolf


King David
Ben Affleck
Margaret Mead
Martin Luther King Jr.


Nicole Kidman
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Mohandas Gandhi
Carl Gustav Jung


Alexander the Great
Lewis Carroll 
Walt Disney


Charles Darwin
John Quincy Adams
Mary Curie
Albert Einstein


Franklin D. Roosevelt 
Jim Carrey
Bill Gates
Napoleon Boneparte


Thomas Jefferson
Sir Isaac Newton
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Friedrich Nietzsche


Lucille Ball
Roy Rogers
George S. Patton


Tom Cruise
James Dean
Amelia Earhart
Miyamoto Musashi


George W. Bush
John D. Rockefeller
Queen Elizabeth I
Dr. Phil


George Washington
Herbert Hoover
Queen Elizabeth II
Harry Truman


Jack Benny
Sally Field
Dolley Madison
Desmond Tutu


Barbra Bush
Robert E. Lee
Jimmy Stewart 
Mother Teresa


Saint Mark
Bob Hope
Tony Robbins
Elvis Presley


John Travolta
Marie Antoinette
Barbra Streisand
Leni Riefenstahl

Friday, December 28, 2012

Myers Briggs Personality Types as Animals

INFP- Swan


Strengths: Caring, supportive, and flexible.
Weaknesses: Overly sensitive and extreme dislike of conflicts and criticisms.

INFJ- Wolf

Strengths: Nurturing, loyal, good at understanding others emotions.
Weaknesses: Holds back a part of themselves-difficult to get to know even if you are close with one.


Strengths: Fun, down to earth, friendly.
Weaknesses: Tends to be materialistic and flaky.

ESFJ- Horse 

Strengths: Enthusiastic, warm and practical, devoted to friends and family.
Weaknesses: Need a lot of positive affirmation and attention, overly sensitive to conflicts and criticisms.

ENFP- Dolphin

Strengths: Enthusiastic, friendly, good communication skills, warm and affectionate.
Weaknesses: May become bored easily, tendency to be unrealistic in expectations, extreme disklike of conflicts and criticisms

ENFJ- Otter

Strengths: Intuitive, inspiring, and dedicated. 
Weaknesses: Self-critical and tends to be controlling.


Strengths: Imaginative, enthusiastically curious, laid back nature, independent
Weaknesses: Suspicious of others, socially rebellious, uncomfortable in social situations

INTJ- Snake

Strengths: Not threatened by criticisms, independent, usually confident, intelligent.
Weaknesses: Holds back a part of themselves, usually unwilling to accept blame, callous.

ISFP- Deer

Strengths: Good listener, appreciates aesthetics and beauty.
Weaknesses: Tends to keep thoughts and feelings private, not good at long term planning.

ISFJ- Polar Bear

Strengths: Take responsibilities seriously, loyal, good listeners, nurturing
Weaknesses: Difficulties stepping outside of comfort zone, dislikes change.


Strengths: Tend to be self-confident, good listeners, fun to be around, good with conflicts
Weaknesses: Difficulties with long term commitments, needs a lot of personal space, may be overly private

ISTJ- Beaver

Strengths: Logical, committed, good listener.
Weaknesses: Poor understanding of the feelings of others, sometimes too rigid.


Strengths: Clever and cunning, laid back, enthusiastic.
Weaknesses: May find it difficult to follow through with plans, not usually good at managing money, may get bored easily

ENTJ- Lion

Strengths: Enthusiastic, fair, strong-willed. Committed and good with money.
Weaknesses: Tendency to be confrontational and controlling, may appear intimidating to others.

ESTP- Eagle

Strengths: Witty and charming, clear-headed and enthusiastic.
Weaknesses: Difficulty expressing emotions and making lifelong commitments

ESTJ- Hippo

Strengths: Handles criticism well, strong willed, stable.
Weaknesses: Tends to be stubborn, difficulties in expressing and understanding emotions.

The 8 Cognitive Functions

Psychologist Carl Jung discovered that everyone has 8 functions, and these functions are displayed differently in each individual. Each personality type has a dominant function (our strongest and most natural function), and an auxiliary function (our second strongest function that supports our dominant function). The 3rd (tertiary) and 4th (inferior) functions are developed later in life, and represent areas where we are challenged.
The 8 Cognitive functions are very important to understand when learning about the 16 different personality types. Although it seems that the only difference between two different personality types can be just one letter, this one letter can completely change the order of a person's dominant functions and how they are presented in their personality.

Se: Extraverted Sensing          Si: Introverted Sensing

Ne: Extraverted iNtuiting          Ni: Introverted iNtuiting

Te: Extraverted Thinking          Ti: Introverted Thinking

Fe: Extraverted Feeling          Fi: Introverted Feeling

Cognitive Function Descriptions

Se: Extraverted Sensing

Extraverted Sensing is the strong awareness of the physical world. We enjoy the thrill of actions and impulses in the present moment. We act on our experiences immediately. We experience the sights, sounds and smells of the world around us to our fullest extent. 

Si: Introverted Sensing

Introverted Sensing is the storing of data and then the comparison of that data with other experiences. For example, when we see a movie that reminds us of another similar movie. Or when we see a person that reminds us of someone else. We also use past experiences to learn how to handle similar current situations. There is great attention to detail with Introverted Sensing.

Ne: Extraverted iNtuiting

Extraverted Intuiting involves seeing all possibilites of a subject and believing that each one has a possibility of being true. We can juggle many ideas at once, and find that this cognitive function makes it easy and enjoyable to brainstorm. Extraverted Intuiting involves coming to conclusions about ideas from one major idea. The idea implies relationships and smaller ideas.

Ni: Introverted iNtuiting

This function allows a person to gain a sense about the future by processing data through impressions and meanings. We find ourselves discovering how the future will be by signs, trends, and patterns. We will find relationships between many ideas, and find ideas similar to those ideas in order to look for a main idea that is made up of these smaller ideas. These ideas and similar ideas come to one main idea that will turn out to be true and give the sense of an "Aha!" moment.

Te: Extraverted Thinking

Extraverted thinking helps to create order out of chaos. They organize the environment through charts, graphs, outlines, etc. It allows us to pick out what is necessary and figures out the most efficient way to complete an objective. Extraverted Thinkers love a challenge because it attests to their skills. They will almost always follow through with a project.

Ti: Introverted Thinking

Introverted Thinking finds ways to express an idea that is to the point and concise. We analyze, categorize, and evaluate to figure out whether something fits into the larger framework. We figure out the precise problem of an idea or concept and then work to fix it. We often are checking for inconsistencies in the world, and we often take things apart to understand how it works. We use models to see how things should be, and look at both sides of issues to determine inconsistencies. 

Fe: Extraverted Feeling

Extraverted Feeling involves considering other peoples feelings to a great level. We often try to help everyone get along, and we may often disclose our own feelings and take on others' as our own. We like to determine what will work best for the group in order to honor and consider everyones values and feelings. We accomodate ourselves and others by deciding what is appropriate and acceptable in that setting. We often use social graces by being polite, considerate, and appropriate. We often respond to people's expressed or unexpressed wants or desires.

Fi: Introverted Feeling

Introverted Feeling acts as a filter- it often is considering the worth of something based on the truth in which it is based. We decide whether something is worth standing up for based on its truth and significance. We often have feelings of a persons essence and this helps us to determine if something is fake or true. Introverted Feeling is often expressed through actions and feelings rather than words.

This chart shows how often we use these cognitive functions depending on what type we are. The first and second are most important.

INTP = Ti > Ne > Si > Fe
ISTP Ti > Se > Ni > Fe 
ENTP = Ne > Ti > Fe > Si 
ENFP = Ne > Fi > Te > Si 
ISFP = Fi > Se > Ni > Te
INFP = Fi > Ne > Si > Te
INTJ = Ni > Te > Fi > Se
INFJ Ni Fe > Ti > Se
ESTJ = Te Si > Ne > Fi 
ENTJ Te > Ni > Se > Fi 
ESFJ = Fe > Si > Ne > Ti 
ENFJ = Fe > Ni > Se > Ti 
ISTJ = Si > Te > Fi > Ne 
ISFJ Si > Fe > Ti > Ne 
ESTP Se > Ti > Fe > Ni 
ESFP Se > Fi > Te > Ni

A Description of the 8 Letters

Each personality type consists of 4 different letters. This makes up 16 different personality types. Here are descriptions of what each letter represents. Everyone is unique and will have some traits of all 8 letters, but will often be more inclined towards one letter in each pair.

(E) Extrovert vs. (I) Introvert

How we gain our energy.

The main difference between extroverts and introverts is that introverts gain their energy by being alone and extroverts gain their energy by being with others. One is not better than the other, and extroverts are not always loud and introverts are not always quiet. Introverts often enjoy social gatherings, but will get drained faster while involved in these settings. Extroverts also tend to want to be around people more but they still feel they need time alone sometimes.

Gain energy from inner worldGain energy from outer world
Thinks to clarify thoughtsSpeaks to clarify thoughts
Prefer depth over breadthPrefer breadth over depth
Initially is seen as difficult to get to knowInitially seen as easy to get to know
Likes to work independentlyPrefers to work with others
Few close relationshipsMany relationships
Reflects before making decisionsTends to make decisions quickly

(S) Sensing vs. (N) Intuitive

How we take in information.

The main difference between sensing and intuition is that sensors take in information via their five senses and through facts, and intuitives take in information via patterns, impressions ands possibilities. 

Process information through the five sensesProcess information through patterns
Thinks in the here and now Thinks of future possibilities
Concrete thinkersAbstract thinkers
Notices detailsSees big picture
Practical Idealistic
Gather info from what they can seeGathers info from underlying patterns

(T) Thinking vs. (F) Feeling

How we make decisions.

The main difference between thinking and feeling is that thinkers make decisions based on facts, and feelers make decisions based on values. In other words, thinkers use their heads more than their hearts and feelers use their hearts more than their heads. But there is a stereotype that needs to be discontinued- Thinkers aren't sensitive to others and feelers never think logically, and women are feelers and men are thinkers. These comparisons below are generalized, everyone will have traits of both in different situations. It really depends what you are more inclined to while making decisions.

Decides with headDecides with heart
Judge based on logicJudge based on feelings
Driven by thoughtDriven by emotion
Gives priority to truthGives priority to relationships
Not easily upset by others' remarksTakes remarks personally

(J) Judging vs. (P) Perceiving

Our lifestyle preference.

The main difference between perceivers and judgers is that judgers prefer their world to be structured and planned, while perceivers prefer their world to be open ended and find that having plans is stifling. Judgers feel a sense of control in planning early and perceivers find a sense of control in leaving their options open.

Like to finish one job before starting anotherStart many things without finishing
Prefer to move towards closureKeeps options open
Prefers to plan before taking actionSpontaneous with actions
Tends to stick to a planTends to change decisions midway
ResponsibleTends to procrastinate